so went out on the boat buck got at new one the other day. did good i am suprized that i did good on the wake skate with no shoes on. i want to get better at boardin and my friend matthew is going to help me with wakeboarding like coachin me that would be cool i want to be good at something..
my thoughts have been everywhere.. i fliped out last night because i had a weird feeling about death lately. i dont want anyone to die and i was just getting sad and thinking about it. buck showed me how an aticle on scooby and how he saved someones life. we were reading it and buck opened up the newspaper to go to the next part and quickly was like oh it looks like someone cut out the rest of the article.. and i was like wait because i got this weird feeling and something caught my eye. and i was the funeral section and there was a pic of a man, was about to turn the page i was like wait,, and i looked down and 4 lines down it said delores, april something and she was born in april. just as i was typing delores on the radio they said grandmother as i was typin her name. i am getting freaked out might just be me but i am afraid and said i dont want anyone i love close to me to die i dont know what its like and these feeelings are eating me up i dont know what to do with them. :( i need to go see her this weekend.. and make the most of every opportunity.